Why Us?

We combine expertise in gender, intersectionality and development finance with a proven track record to customize solutions and drive impactful, sustainable change across Africa.


With a dedicated team of experts in gender and intersectionality, we bring a wealth of knowledge and nuanced understanding to every project. Our evidence-based approach ensures that our strategies and solutions are grounded in the latest research and tailored to address the specific needs of diverse populations.


Recognizing that no one-size-fits-all solution exists for the complex issues at hand, we work closely with our partners to develop customized interventions. Whether through training programs, advisory services, or investment strategies, our solutions are designed to meet your unique challenges and objectives, ensuring meaningful and sustainable impact.


Our work has already made a difference in the lives of many, with proven success stories across the continent. From empowering female entrepreneurs to influencing policy changes that advance gender equality, our results speak for themselves.


Joining Africa Trust Group means becoming part of a vibrant community of leaders, innovators, and advocates committed to gender equity. Our network provides unparalleled opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth, amplifying your impact.

Commitment to Sustainable and Equitable Growth

We believe that true development is inclusive and sustainable. Our gender-lens investing not only seeks viable returns but also champions social change, driving economic growth that benefits everyone.

In a world where gender inequality persists as a barrier to progress, working with Africa Trust Group offers a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of transformative change. Together, we can build a future where gender equity is not just a goal but a reality. Join us in this vital work—because when we uplift women and girls, we uplift entire communities and nations.